9 DIY Ferret Toys You Can Make at Home Today (With Pictures)

ferret resting in a red toy maze

Ferrets are a lot like toddlers. They’re active, playful little creatures that need plenty of toys and playtime to stay happy and healthy. If you’re looking for some creative ideas for do-it-yourself ferret toys, here are great options.divider-ferret

The 9 DIY Ferret Toys

1. DIY Ferret Tunnel Tower by Pet DIYS

DIY Ferret Toys
Image Credit: Pet DIYS
Materials: PVC pipe, ventilation tubing, wood block, glue
Tools: Scissors
Difficulty Level: Easy

Ferrets love a tunnel! This DIY Ferret Tunnel Tower is made out of a PVC pipe tower wrapped with a length of ventilation tubing. It’s a great way to give your ferret plenty of space to play in a small space. Just make sure that you choose tubing that is large enough for your ferret to fit through and long enough to navigate safely.

2. DIY Ferret Play Dresser by Pet DIYS

DIY Ferret Toys
Image Credit: Pet DIYS
Materials: Plastic drawer unit, plastic Easter eggs, sand, treats, ferret tube
Tools: Drill
Difficulty Level: Easy

This Ferret Play Dresser is a great way to keep your ferret entertained. Simply fill the bottom drawer with sand and the top drawer with Easter eggs. Attach a ferret tube between the two drawers. You can even fill some plastic Easter eggs with treats before placing them in the drawers. Your ferret will have a blast trying to get the eggs and treats out!

3. DIY Ferret Tube See-Saw by Pet DIYS

DIY Ferret Toys
Image Credit: Pet DIYS
Materials: Cardboard tubes, wood framing pieces
Tools: Saw, drill, metal braces, screws and nuts
Difficulty Level: Medium

This Ferret Tube See-Saw is a great way to keep your ferret entertained and active. It’s made out of a cardboard tube with wood framing pieces. Your ferret walks into the tube on one side, climbs upward, and when she gets past the middle of the tube, it will tip downward, and she will climb downward to get to the other side. It’s a stimulating and fun activity for adventurous ferrets.

4. DIY Ferret Crinkle Sack

Materials: Fabric scraps, crinkle paper
Tools: Scissors, sewing machine
Difficulty Level: Medium

This Ferret Crinkle Sack can be made with commercial crinkle paper, or you can use bubble wrap, an old shipping envelope, or any material that crinkles. If you have sewing experience, you can sew a few fabric scraps together to make a small sack, line with crinkle paper, and voila! Instant ferret fun.

5. DIY Tied Fabric Scraps Cube Hide with Ladder by Pet DIYS

DIY Ferret Toys
Image Credit: Pet DIYS
Materials: Fabric scraps, cardboard box
Tools: Scissors, glue
Difficulty Level: Easy

This Fabric Scraps Cube Hide is a great way to provide your ferret with a cozy hiding spot. If you can cut shapes and tie knots, you can make this. Not only is it a cozy place to hide or nap, but the ladder entrance gives a little bit of enrichment and excitement to your ferret. For a little extra support, you can glue the fabric to a cardboard box cut into a small cube shape if you choose.

6. Wiffle Ball Snack Foraging Toy by Pet DIYS

Pickleball three yellow sports balls
Image Credit: Olga Nikiforova, Shutterstock
Materials: Wiffle ball, dry food or treats
Tools: None
Difficulty Level: Easy

This Wiffle Ball Snack Foraging Toy is a great way to provide your ferret with some mental stimulation. Simply put some dry food, treats, or other ferret-safe snacks inside the wiffle ball and let your ferret figure out how to get to them. This is a great way to keep your ferret’s mind active and engaged. You can leave them on the floor or hang them from the top of their enclosure to make it more challenging.

7. DIY Ferret Swing by Ferret Lover

DIY Ferret Swing by Ferret Lover
Image Credit: Ferret Lover
Materials: Plastic plant pot, string, hooks
Tools: Drill and bits
Difficulty Level: Easy

This DIY ferret toy is a swing your ferret can use alone or with the other ferrets. It’s about as easy to make as you can imagine and should go together in minutes once you have the handful of items you need. You’ll drill three or four holes for stability, attach strings of equal length to the pot, and tie them together at the loose ends. Then, use a hook to hang your new ferret swing, but don’t hang it too high. This simple DIY ferret swing will amuse your little critters for hours!

8. DIY Cardboard Box and Tube Ferret Playhouse by Schroeder Family

DIY Cardboard Box and Tube Ferret Playhouse by Schroeder Family
Image Credit: The Ferret Castle
Materials: Cardboard boxes of various sizes, cardboard tubes
Tools: Razor knife, moving tape, heavy-duty glue, marking pen or pencil
Difficulty Level: Easy

Ferrets love climbing in, around, and over things, so this DIY ferret playhouse made from cardboard boxes is perfect! It’s also one of the most economical DIY ferret toys on our list! All you need are a few used boxes of different sizes, a cardboard tube or two, glue or moving tape (your choice), and a steady hand to cut with a razor knife.

When you’re done, which should take less than a couple of hours, your ferrets will have something they can play in, on, and around for days on end! Even better, you can add to the playhouse and make it bigger by adding boxes and tubes!

9. Ferret Tunnel Wall DIY by Pet DIYs

Ferret Tunnel Wall DIY by Pet DIYs
Image Credit: PetDIYs
Materials: Various types and lengths of tubes, PVC glue, pipe clamps, hooks, drywall anchors, drywall screws, PVC pipe fittings
Tools: PVC pipe cutting tool, drill, hole bits, level, pencil, eye protection, ear protection
Difficulty Level: Medium

One small problem with this DIY ferret tunnel wall is that the original link with detailed instructions has disappeared from the internet. However, if you have decent DIY skills, all you need to do is study the picture of the wall tunnel, and you shouldn’t have any problems with the construction.

It’s comprised of PVC tubes attached together and hung from a wall in a way that makes them look a little like a painting by Pablo Picasso! This ferret wall tunnel is huge, but you could always make it any size you want with a little imagination. Whatever you decide, you should be able to make and hang this DIY ferret toy in a day.


About Ferret Stimulation & Play Needs

Ferrets are very active and playful creatures, so it’s important to provide them with plenty of stimulation and enrichment. Toys are a great way to do this, as they can provide both mental and physical stimulation for your ferret. Foraging toys, in particular, are a great way to keep your ferret’s mind active, as they have to figure out how to get to the food or treats inside. Climbing toys are also a great way to provide your ferret with some exercise, as they will need to use their muscles to climb and jump.

Without enough stimulation, ferrets can become bored, which can lead to them developing some unhealthy behaviors, such as eating furniture or walls, pacing back and forth, or sleeping more than usual. If you notice any of these signs, it’s time to switch up your ferret’s toys.

close up ferret side view
Image Credit: Steve Tsang, Unsplash


Ferret Toys FAQ

What are some good materials to use for ferret toys?

Cardboard, fabric, fleece, wiffle balls, and sticks are all great materials to use for ferret toys.

What are some good foods to put inside foraging toys?

Dry food, treats, and if the material you are using is washable even pieces of cooked meat can be good foods to put inside foraging toys.

How can I make my ferret toys more challenging?

You can make your ferret toys more challenging by adding obstacles, such as hanging them from the top of the enclosure or making them more difficult to open or climb on.

How often should I change out my ferret’s toys?

It’s a good idea to change out your ferret’s toys every few weeks to keep them from getting bored. You can also rotate their toys, so they have something new to play with every day.

What are some signs that my ferret is bored with their toys?

Some signs that your ferret is bored with their toys include chewing on furniture or walls, pacing back and forth, or sleeping more than usual. If you notice any of these signs, it’s time to switch up your ferret’s toys.

ferret plays with a toy
Image Credit: Grivora, Shutterstock



Ferrets are playful creatures that need plenty of enrichment and stimulation. Luckily, there are many easy and fun toys that you can make for your ferret at home with minimal materials or money involved. These toys will provide your ferret with mental and physical stimulation, as well as a way to express their natural behaviors. So, get creative and have fun making toys for your furry friend!

Featured Image Credit: Olga Pysarenko, Shutterstock


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