Native across Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Central Asia, the hedgehog is an interesting exotic pet that has different dietary requirements than typical domesticated animals like dogs and cats. They have diverse diets in the wild, and pet varieties will need to be fed proper meals for their overall health and longevity. So, you may be wondering what kinds of foods are acceptable to offer to your pet hedgehog.
For example, can a hedgehog eat chicken? The answer is yes! Read on for more information about feeding this poultry to your pet hedgehog and other information about this animal’s dietary requirements.
Offering Chicken to Your Hedgehog
While the main staple in a hedgehog’s eating regime should be high-quality hedgehog food, you can offer them chicken if it’s in the form of lean cuts of meat that are properly cooked. Hedgehogs should only be offered nutritionally acceptable foods like chicken as supplementation to their main diet.
These spiny little cuties are prone to obesity,1 so you want to do what you can to reduce the amount of fat they consume. Avoiding fattier cuts of chicken, such as thighs and drumsticks, is highly recommended. Properly cooking the leaner portions of chicken will also help reduce the amount of fat within the meat.
You should never offer your hedgehog chicken that has been fried or seasoned. Chicken breast is typically the go-to for hedgehogs since it’s lean and healthy. You do not have to limit your hedgehog to just chicken, though; they can also be served other lean meats.
Hedgehog Dietary Needs
Understanding the nutritional needs of exotic pets like hedgehogs starts with understanding their natural diets in the wild.
Wild Hedgehog Diet
Hedgehogs are natural omnivores that eat a diverse wild diet. They typically eat at night by rooting underneath hedges and vegetation and feast on a variety of fruit, fungi, roots, insects, centipedes, snails, worms, rodents, eggs, birds, frogs, and even small reptiles.
Pet Hedgehog Diet
It is important to discuss your pet hedgehog’s dietary needs directly with your veterinarian. A licensed veterinarian who specializes in exotic pets will help you come up with a great meal plan to ensure your hedgehog is getting all their needed nutrients and is offered appropriate supplemental foods.
Hedgehogs should be fed a proper protein-to-fat ratio. They require a diet high in lean protein, and it should consist of 30%–50% protein and only 10%–20% fat. Commercial hedgehog food is formulated specifically to meet these needs and should be the main component of your pet’s diet.
Fresh, clean water should be always available for your hedgehog. Most owners opt to use sipper bottles by hanging them in the cage. The water should be changed out at least once per day, and you should ensure that your hedgehog is comfortable using the sipper and that it does not become clogged.
Supplemental Foods
Hedgehogs can be offered supplemental foods that are safe and nutritionally acceptable. We included a list of acceptable foods here, but be sure to always speak to your veterinarian before offering anything new to your pet’s diet.
- Properly cooked lean meats
- High-quality canned cat or dog food
- High-quality cat treats
- Cooked eggs
- Crickets
- Mealworms
- Earthworms
- Waxworms
- Apples
- Bananas
- Beans (cooked or uncooked)
- Berries
- Carrots
- Grapes
- Leafy greens
- Peas
- Pears
- Tomatoes
Obesity in Hedgehogs
Obesity is a common issue in hedgehogs, as these little critters love to eat. That’s why it is the responsibility of the owner to ensure that their pet is being fed a proper diet that is not too high in calories or fat. Hedgehogs can suffer from the same negative health issues as other pets and humans, such as diabetes, heart problems, digestive issues, liver problems, mobility issues, cancer, and shortened longevity.
The best way to combat obesity is to prevent it by coming up with a proper dietary plan with your veterinarian. Always serve the recommended amounts and avoid overfeeding and excessive treats.
Hedgehogs can eat chicken; in fact, they can eat a variety of lean meats since they are a great supplement to their regular commercial food. Chicken is high in healthy proteins that your hedgehog needs, but you must ensure that you are cooking the chicken properly and only offering lean cuts. These little critters are prone to obesity, so avoiding additional fats is necessary to ensure their overall health and well-being.
- Next on your reading list: Can Hedgehogs Eat Peanut Butter?