Bringing a new cat into your home is an exciting time, but do you have a unique name for your pet? You can find thousands of titles for cats online, but your options may seem a bit limited when you have a hairless cat. However, hairless breeds are known for more than just their lack of fur. Whether you have a Sphynx, Peterbald, or Donskoy, your cat is probably more affectionate towards people and animals than other breeds. Finding a name for your bald kitty is easier when you take a few hours to observe the animal’s behavior and quirks.
How to Name Your Hairless Cat
Although you may be anxious to name your pet so they will respond to your calls, you don’t have to give them a name right away. You can relax in your home and watch for clues to the cat’s personality before you name them. Is the animal hyperactive, or do they sit quietly on the couch? How vocal is your new pet? These questions may help you formulate an opinion on the cat’s behavior, but you can also use the coat color, size of the cat, and facial expressions for name ideas.
Egyptian Male Cat Names
Although the Sphynx originated from Canada, the popular hairless wonder is often associated with Egypt since it’s named after a famous Egyptian statue. None of the hairless breeds come from North Africa, but since ancient Egyptians respected and cherished their felines, we thought a few names from the country seemed appropriate for hairless cats.
- Absi
- Ahmose
- Aker
- Akil
- Amenhotep
- Amenken
- Amenmose
- Ammon
- Amsi
- Amum
- Amun
- Anhur
- Ani
- Anubis
- Aten
- Atum
- Babu
- Bacchus
- Banefre
- Banti
- Baufre
- Bay
- Bebi
- Bebti
- Bek
- Bennu
- Bes
- Blbina
- Chibale
- Chigaru
- Darwishi
- Dedi
- Dedu
- Djar
- Fenuku
- Geb
- Hamadi
- Hanif
- Hapi
- Henenu
- Hepzefa
- Herihor
- Heru
- Hondo
- Horus
- Horwedja
- Huy
- Huya
- Idu
- Ikhernofret
- Ikudidy
- Imhotep
- Ineni
- Intef
- Inyotefoker
- Ipuki
- Kagemni
- Kamuzu
- Kaphiri
- Kawab
- Kenamon
- Khalid
- Khensu
- Khepri
- Khnum
- Khonsu
- Khui
- Khusebek
- Khuy
- Kontar
- Lateef
- Maahes
- Maahes
- Madu
- Maherpa
- Mahu
- Mai
- Makalani
- Mehy
- Meketre
- Menkhaf
- Menna
- Mensah
- Mercury
- Merenre
- Mereruka
- Meri
- Merytatum
- Metjen
- Montu
- Nebamun
- Nebemakhet
- Nebenteru
- Nebetka
- Nebwawi
- Neferti
- Nefertum
- Neferu
- Nemty
- Neper
- Odion
- Okpara
- Onuris
- Osahar
- Osaze
- Osiris
- Pamiu
- Panehsi
- Panhesy
- Paser
- Pentu
- Ptah
- Ra
- Ranofer
- Rawer
- Renni
- Rudjek
- Sabaf
- Sabni
- Sabola
- Sendjemib
- Set
- Shu
- Sobek
- Sopdu
- Tchay
- Tehuti
- Thaneni
- Thoth
- Tijuroy
- Tumaini
- Weni
- Woser
- Xerxes
- Yey
- Yuf
- Yuny
Egyptian Female Cat Names
Although Cleopatra is probably the most well-known Egyptian name for females, we’ve included several other powerful names of Egyptian goddesses and ordinary citizens. Bastet may be considered the ultimate name for a female cat because the goddess was a lioness that protected the city Bubastis from evil. Menhit is another goddess represented as a cat or lioness. If your new pet seems to favor seafood over other proteins, you can name her after the fish goddess Hatmehit.
- Acenath
- Ahhotep
- Ahmose
- Akila
- Amtes
- Amunet
- Ana
- Anat
- Aneksi
- Anuket
- Balbina
- Bastet
- Bat
- Berenib
- Betresh
- Cleopatra
- Ebe
- Ebonique
- Echidna
- Femi
- Habibah
- Hafsah
- Hasina
- Hathor
- Hatmehit
- Hebony
- Hent
- Hentaneb
- Henuttawy
- Herit
- Herneith
- Hesat
- Ife
- Imentet
- Imi
- Inhapi
- Intakaes
- Isis
- Kakra
- Kawit
- Kemsit
- Kentetenka
- Khemut
- Lapis
- Maat
- Magna
- Maibe
- Masikah
- Memphis
- Menhet
- Menhit
- Merti
- Mosi
- Mut
- Mutemwiya
- Naeemah
- Nebet
- Nebt
- Neffret
- Nefru
- Neit
- Neith
- Nekhebit
- Nephthys
- Nepit
- Nofret
- Nubia
- Nubkhas
- Nuru
- Nut
- Pakhet
- Rai
- Raia
- Redji
- Rehema
- Renenutet
- Reputneb
- Satet
- Sekhmet
- Shukura
- Sitamun
- Tarset
- Taweret
- Tefnut
- Tem
- Tener
- Uatchit
- Urbi
- Usret
- Valeria
Hairless Cat Names From Cinema
Most Hollywood villains and heroes are not bald, but we found some of the most beloved and notorious baldies from movies and television. If your hairless friend enjoys using their claws a little too much, you can name them after the famous maniac from Elm Street, Freddy Krueger. Although you can use the names for boys or girls, most of the terms are male since more men have played bald characters than women. Some notable female names include Furiosa from Mad Max: Fury Road, Ripley from Alien 3, and Nebula from Guardians of the Galaxy.
- Beast
- Blofeld
- Brynner
- Chelios
- Coolidge
- Denton
- Doe
- Fester
- Furiosa
- Humungus
- Jones
- Krueger
- Kurgan
- Kurtz
- Logan
- Maggott
- Marcellus
- Martin
- McClane
- Mongkut
- Nebula
- Okoye
- Orlok
- Patton
- Picard
- Ripley
- Shaft
- Statler
- Vader
- Voorhees
- Woldorf
- Xavier
Hairless Cat Names From Famous Bald Men
This category includes actors, heads of state, athletes, writers, and scientists. We used only the last names so they can apply to male or female cats. Does your new cat have a soulful voice like the British songwriter Seal or a high-pitched scream like the American songwriter and poet Billy Corgan? If you want to name your hairless feline after a famous athlete, you can try Jason Kidd, Michael Jordan, Kelly Slater, or Magic Johnson.
- Agassi
- Asner
- Barkley
- Bradshaw
- Bryant
- Chappelle
- Cool
- Corgan
- Darwin
- Daughtry
- Diggs
- Eubanks
- Foreman
- Gorbachev
- Gossett
- Hogan
- Jackson
- Johnson
- Jordan
- Kidd
- Kingsley
- Lenin
- Malkovich
- Mandel
- Moby
- Mochrie
- O’Neal
- Pujols
- Puri
- Rhames
- Ripken
- Savalas
- Scott
- Seal
- Slater
- Stewart
- Troyer
- Tucci
- Ventura
- Willis
- Zane
Final Thoughts
Every cat has a unique personality, but hairless breeds tend to be people cats that love curling up in your lap, following you to the bathroom, and staying by your side whenever they’re awake. The fascinating cats may not have silky coats, but they’re brimming with love for their human families. Whether you have a Femi, Tarset, Ripken, or Voorhees in your home, we’re confident that you’ll choose a fitting name for your hairless beauty.
See also:
- 160 Powerful and Badass Cat Names: Great Options for Your Cat
- 100+ German Cat Names: Unique Options for Your Cat (With Meanings)
- 170+ Pokemon Cat Names: Cute and Fun Options for Your Cat
- 125+ Brown Cat Names: Fun and Cute Options for Your Cat
Featured Image Credit: Erin Agius, Unsplash