There are thousands of options for naming your cat, which can make the process seem overwhelming. But if you want to give your cat a name with a Parisian flair, we are here to help!
Choosing the Best Name
Each cat has their own personality so not every name will work well for all of them. You can take your time and try out a handful of your favorite names before choosing one. You can’t keep changing your cat’s name every few weeks, of course, but you can try out each name for a couple of days to see how you and your cat like it.
When you settle on a name, it should be easy to pronounce and short enough for your cat to be able to understand what you mean when you say it. This name will also be said in front of others in your home or at the vet’s office, so make sure it’s not embarrassing or inappropriate.
Once you’ve chosen your favorite name, you can start using it regularly to get your cat used to it.
Female French Cat Names With Meanings
Here, we’ve chosen some of the best French feminine cat names and included their meanings so you can select the one that fits your cat.
- Abella: Breath
- Aimee: Beloved
- Amour: Love
- Arbre: Tree
- Aurore: Dawn
- Beline: Goddess
- Bijou: Jewel
- Biscotte: Biscuit
- Blanche: White
- Bleu: Blue
- Brigitte: Strength
- Camille: Perfect
- Celine: Heavenly
- Chanel: Near the Canal
- Chantal: Boulder
- Chantilly: White
- Cher: Beloved
- Cherie: Darling
- Chloe: Blooming
- Ciel: Sky
- Claudette: Enclosure
- Clementine: Merciful
- Coeur: Heart
- Colette: People of Victory
- Darcy: Dark One
- Dior: Golden
- Dory: Gift Of God
- Doudoune: Blanket
- Elise: A Form of Elizabeth
- Eloise: Healthy
- Esme: Esteemed
- Estee: Star
- Fantine: Baby
- Fay: Fairylike Creature
- Felicienne: Feline
- Fleur: Flower
- Florine: Flowering
- Foi: Faith
- Francine: From France
- Galle: Father’s Joy
- Genevieve: Tribe Woman
- Gigi: Short for Georgine
- Gisele: Pledge
- Isabelle: Pledged to God
- Iva: The Grace of God
- Ivonne: Archer
- Jade: Precious Green Stone
- Jolie: Pretty
- Julienne: Youthful
- Juliet: Downy-Haired
- Kari: Pure
- Karlotta: Tiny, Feminine
- Laure: Butterfly
- Laverne: Woodland
- Lucette: Light
- Lucille: Light
- Lucy: Born at Dawn
- Maeva: Welcome
- Mallory: Unfortunate
- Merci: Thank You
- Miette: Little One, Pearl
- Minou: Kitten
- Mirabelle: Marvelous
- Monique: Advisor
- Nadine: Hope
- Nanette: Favor
- Noelle: Christmas
- Odette: Wealthy
- Oralie: Golden
- Orva: Gold
- Paif: Small Bird
- Pauline: Little
- Pomme: Apple
- Prou: Brave
- Reine: Queen
- Remi: Remedy
- Renee: Born Again
- Rouge: Red
- Satine: Satin
- Simone: Harkening
- Soleil: Sun
- Solstice: When the Sun Stands Still
- Suzanne: Lily
- Sylvie: From the Forest
- Tali: Dew
- Tilly: Battle Maiden
- Veronique: True Image
- Violetta: Small Violet Flower
- Vivian: Full of Life
- Yvette: Archer
- Zelie: Solemn
Male French Cat Names With Meanings
Here are the best French masculine cat names, along with their meanings. This way, you can select the one that best fits your cat!
- Alphonse: Noble
- Amand: Almond
- Amaury: Work Power
- Andre: Warrior
- Arno: Eagle
- Aslan: Lion
- Aurel: Golden
- Barnabe: St. Barnaby
- Beau: Handsome
- Beaumont: Beautiful Mountain
- Bonjour: Good Morning
- Boursin: French Cheese Spread
- Caton: Intelligent
- Chanceux: The Lucky One
- Chaney: Oak Tree
- Cheval: Horseman
- Chevalier: Knight
- Chevy: Old Fashioned
- Claude: Limping
- Donatien: A Gift
- Dougray: Well-Behaved
- Fabrice: Craftsman
- Felix: Happy
- Figaro: A French Newspaper
- Filou: Nickname of Philippe
- Franc: Free
- Francois: Frenchman
- Gaspard: Treasure
- Grenouille: Frog
- Hadrien: Dark-Haired
- Henry: Ruler
- Herve: Bright, Blazing
- Jacques: Supplanter
- Jardin: Garden
- Laurent: A Bright One
- Leandre: Lion Man
- Lebron: Brown-Haired
- Leroy: King
- Lucien: Light
- Lyle: Someone Who Lives on an Island
- Mael: Chief
- Marcel: Belonging to Mars
- Merle: Blackbird
- Monsieur: Mister
- Montague: Pointy Hill
- Neville: New Town
- Norris: Northerner
- Nostradamus: French Philosopher
- Nouvel: New
- Oliver: Elf Warrior
- Orfeus: Obscurity in the Night
- Orville: Gold Town
- Paladin: Of the Palace
- Papillion: Butterfly
- Pascal: From the Passover
- Peverell: Piper
- Philbert: Dear, Beloved
- Pipou: Awake, Excited
- Quain: Clever
- Quay: Wharf
- Quentin: The Fifth
- Rafale: French Fighter Jet
- Ranger: Forest Guardian
- Regis: Royal
- Ripley: Compensation
- Rodolphe: Glory Wolf
- Romeo: City In Rome
- Russell: Red-Haired
- Sacha: Defending Warrior
- Sorrel: Reddish-Brown
- Sylvain: Forest, Woods
- Terrence: Smooth
- Thoreau: Strength of a Bull
- Titoune: A Boy
- Toussaint: All Saints
- Travis: To Cross
- Vachel: Raises Cows
- Vardon: Green Knoll
- Vermont: Green Mountain
- Vidal: Life
- Vrai: True
- Yves: Yew Wood
Unisex French Cat Names With Meanings
With plenty of options to browse through, you should be able to find the perfect name for your favorite cat. Here are unisex French names that are sure to work well for any cat. Commençons!
- Altesse: Your Highness
- Amiral: Admiral
- Bisou: Kiss
- Bonaparte: After Napoleon
- Bonbon: Candy
- Chatou: Small Cat
- Croissant: Breakfast Pastry
- Crue: Flood
- Diamant: Diamond
- Dijon: French City
- Eau: Water
- Epice: Spice
- Etoile: Star
- Fondue: Melted Cheese
- Fripouille: Scoundrel
- Gauffre: Waffle
- Indou: Little One
- Jaune: Yellow
- Letchi: Type of Fruit
- Parfait: Perfect
- Pluie: Rain
- Raclette: Cheesy Dish
- Rescousse: Rescue
- Rue: Street
- Tresor: Treasure
- Vadrouille: Comic Show
Selecting the right name for your cat doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Searching extensive lists like this can help give you ideas and maybe even inspire you to come up with a name of your own. As long as you like the name, that’s all that matters.
We hope that our list has helped you decide on the perfect French name for your little feline friend.
Featured Image Credit: Alla Relian, Shutterstock